The CEO’s most important asset: a high performing executive team

The landscape of business is undergoing a profound transformation due to digitalization, demographic shifts, and the global pandemic. In order to endure these changes, organizations are compelled to overhaul their business models, adapt their products and services, redefine the customer experience, and enhance overall efficiency and effectiveness. 

CEOs are grappling with the pivotal question: "How can I navigate this transformation?" The relentless pace of disruption necessitates CEOs to continuously transform their organizations, consistently delivering stronger business outcomes. Sustaining such ongoing transformation demands a delicate balance of alignment and agility, a challenge amplified by the rapid pace of change. 

Regardless of a CEO's talent, vision, or inspiration, successfully planning and implementing a new business model on such a scale is an insurmountable task when undertaken alone. The key to achieving this monumental transformation lies in the ability of CEOs to fully harness their most potent asset: the high-performing executive team. A high-performing executive team has the potential to accelerate the CEO's agenda and render the organization more adaptable and responsive to market fluctuations. Particularly in the face of intricate challenges, executive teams utilize their collective experience and expertise to navigate complexities, explore diverse alternatives, and instill a commitment to new strategic initiatives throughout the organization. 

Myria is the pragmatic approach to optimizing executive team performance, providing CEOs and senior executives with a tangible means to gain traction on their strategy by fully tapping into the collective power of their executive team. 

Maximize the efficiency of your executive team 

Utilize a research-based and practical approach to optimize the productivity of your executive team. Through our research, we've identified six common challenges faced by executive teams: 

  • The team often deals with unclear collective goals, causing executives to prioritize their specific responsibilities instead of aligning with the overall enterprise agenda. 
  • The most talented and driven executives may not necessarily excel as effective team players. 
  • Team processes, especially decision-making processes, are frequently implicit, leading to trust issues. 
  • Teams overlook the importance of establishing and adhering to behavioral standards (norms) that promote trust and foster productive relationships crucial for team integration and energy. 
  • Leadership teams often neglect their continuous development, hindering their growth as a cohesive unit. 
  • Effective team functioning is a dynamic process that requires consistent focus from the team leader to create and maintain the conditions for a high-performance team. 



    Leadership is about being straightforward, serving as a truthful reflection of team strengths and areas for improvement. We assist the CEO in their leadership role by offering guidance and coaching, empowering them to lead an exceptional executive team. 



    Collaborating with the CEO and the team, we aim to articulate the team's objective. This involves identifying not just the team's reason for existence but also delineating the collaborative efforts exclusive to a high-performing executive team. Our goal is to elucidate the distinctive value the team brings, both presently and in the long term. 


    Our focus is on supporting team members in delivering both collective and individual value. MYRIA CONSULTING provides a distinctive combination of assessment, leadership development, and search capabilities to enhance the team's performance. 


    To ensure the team's success, we pave the way by defining decision-making authority and implementing essential procedures (such as agendas, pre-read materials, meeting minutes, etc.). Failure to establish these processes properly can quickly hinder performance. 


    Our collaboration involves not just establishing norms (behavioral standards) but also implementing and fostering the inclusive culture necessary for the flourishing of collective intelligence within the team. 


    Facilitating the ongoing growth of the team is achieved through coaching. We strategically allocate time for reflection, providing the team with valuable feedback and tools essential for their continuous development and increasing capabilities over time.