Customer Experience

Customer experience is the sum of all experiences a customer has with a supplier of goods or services, over the duration of their relationship with that supplier.  Consequently, the Client Experience Index will take into account not only his last interaction with your company, but all the previous ones. 

Achieving great customer Experience doesn’t happen by accident, it happens with intention, by design and for that, you need complete managerial commitment.  Management must understand the customer’s journey, his expectations, his needs and desires, so he can appropriately design and implement the structure to fulfill its mission and to meet or even exceed customer’s expectations.   

Customer Service delivery  

Customer service is the tip of the iceberg of the customer experience.  For the customer service representative to be exceptional; he needs an exceptional structure to back him up.  The company must have his whole structure devoted to the customer experience, so they can deliver great experience along the entire value chain.   

Myria’s deep Client Experience knowledge coupled with its model is in the position to help you design and implement the structure, the procedures and processes, as well as the daily management of your customer experience to help you achieve sustainable customer experience excellence.   

Myria offers an integrated set of services on customer experience and customer service which will allow your company to align the measurement of Customer experience and customer delivery. 

Customer experience structure analysis 

Get better customer insights; understand the customer’s key elements 

  • Improve the very key points in your structure that are relevant and important to the customer, so you can effectively deliver the service expected and an excellent experience along the value chain.
  • Customer experience internal management strategy 
  • Service delivery grid design 

The alignment of Customer service to Customer Experience Index 

  • Service delivery assessment 
  • Client Experience Index assessment